The Homestead Weekly Update
This week on the homestead flew by, we can’t believe it’s Friday already. Where did the week go? I’m here talking with M about what we did this past week and I’m like it doesn’t feel like we really accomplished much of anything and they may be the case. We did on the other hand learn somethings this past week as well as survived the week and the weather is definitely cooling off some, I was cold this morning wearing shorts and a T shirt taking care of the animals. It’s almost time for fall fires in the evening.
Tomatoes have overwhelmingly taken up much attention in the garden. And the heavy rains we got on Wednesday make it a muddy mess. I did get the tiller part in and switched out, now I just have to clear out the tiller in the weeded area of the garden and put it on and test it out. If everything works out we will have a tiller again! A lot of freezing and canning of tomatoes and we should be getting a load of peaches today or tomorrow so even more canning and freezing will be done. The composting bin is also full and need to be sorted, shifted and the good stuff need to find a new home.
So are big adventure this week was going to our first ever livestock auction. Was definitely a new experience, very informative and a great way to off load almost 30 rabbits. We also have a few left to harvest for the freezer which we plan on doing today. M was also convinced not by me though to grab 4 male guinea pigs at for like $0.50 ea so now all the kids minus 1 have guinea pigs, we have male and female ones and M will must likely start breading them as well. We plan on selling 2 of the 4 we got so we will see how that goes.
The auction this week did bring up a few ideas for us and we are now talking about redesigning out rabbit hutches and tractors so we can focus more on a low to no feed aspect of raising them. More details as we figure more of that out. We also have a 40 cubic feet pile of rabbit manure with plenty more on the way.
Home Maintenance
The lock on the door and the out door lights were fixed along with changing the light bulbs on the trail blazer. Still need to do the oil change and normal maintenance on the big boy van planning on doing that this week and then getting it inspected the week after.
We spent a lot of time clearing brush and overgrown areas of our property the winter and spring after we moved in, I should actually say M spent a lot of time, I was always at work and only worked a few days on it. Then we kinda let it go again. Well for the last 3 mowing cycles we have been picking away at it and we can proudly say, we not only caught up with our previous work, but we have expanded some and we are excited for the new areas of our property the kids are too.
I still have to mill those walnut logs, and now that it’s getting cooler it might be the perfect time. Jai desk is just about done, today I’ll be putting the final coat of finish on it and then we should be able to install it to the bed tomorrow, I’m not sure who is more excited M, Jai, or I. Ill have pictures of the updated soon and now that lumber prices are coming down, the twins beds might be coming sooner then later.
Well it’s time to get something accomplished, I will note, for the past 3 weeks we have done family devotionals and we all are growing as a family and in our walk with Jesus. It truly is amazing the spirit and faith a child has and how much an adult can learn from them. I’m so thankful for M and our tribe, our church and for God’s amazing grace. We hope you have a blessed Labor Day weekend and we are praying for you!