She Stepped on a Snake!
Happy Friday everyone, we hope you have enjoyed your week. We sure did, well R did M on the other hand is waiting patiently (not really) on the baby to come and dodging snakes in the yard. Well she’s trying to dodge them but this time she stepped right on one. We saw a few good ones this year, 4 I believe. All little Garters. R almost stepped on one earlier this year, well the Stepping on a snake award goes to M this year! Great job M!
Sawing up Logs
R has been hard at work the past few afternoon cleaning out the 7 walnut logs we had. 4 are sawed up and 3 are left. It’s a long process but after figuring out the price per board foot for walnut. I’m making about $150-$175 an hour cutting them up. It’s some very nice walnut and the slabs are just going to get bigger as we go.
7” of heartwood along the entire board. 12” for about 2ft on the right end. This board is 3” thick.
Kitchen Helper
We will have 7 kids here shortly and several of the kids have been hanging out and wanting to learn more about cooking. So R is tackling another project in the evening that’s been on our list since this time last year. The Kitchen helper, it’s pretty much a glorified step stool but with height adjustments and has guard rails all the way around it. You know just in case when Boy 1 gets jealous of Boy 2 and tries to push or pull him off while Girl 3 decides she’s going to slip into the spot while the boys are bickering. You all know this happens it’s ok you can admit it! Anyway I digress, it will be made from cherry to match our kitchen once R builds that. Should be done about the time a kid or two starts high school. The kitchen not the kitchen helper!!!
Well this pretty much wraps up this week, saw dust is flying, leaves are falling, and a baby is about to be coming into the world. God bless you all, we are praying for you! We’re also asking that you pray for a safe and planned delivery for M.
Have a Goodn’